Thursday, September 24, 2009


You don't ride the dog yet....

Marks The Sky....

 This may be someone's stairway to heaven.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Wanna Go Home :(

September 19, 2009

Sometimes when the class gets too boring,
you just want to stare outside the window,
listen to the ticking of the clock,
and wish for home.

Mukhasim (sourface)

Favorite vinegar brand? na ah :p

Friday, September 18, 2009

Doggie what?

September 18, 2009

Strike your pose!

Beyond Terraces....

September 17, 2009

Dreams may come true if we'll reach it together.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Half-Mast Flags for Cory

MANILA, Philippines - Department of Education Secretary Jesli Lapus has ordered all DepEd offices and schools nationwide to raise their flags at half-mast to mourn the passing of former President Corazon Aquino.



Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

EarthQuake Drill

Held yesterday, July 21 2009.
Earthquake drill, done to commemorate the tragic thing that happened few years back, and to let people know what to do.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Previous Royalty Table

The table my bestfriend and i shared one school year.

Once the most precious table in town,
now without sense, full of doubt.

Glitter and royal,
now rusted and dull.

The names and memories shall remain,
even without the old special way.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Model: Elmo

Oh, no! If they can't get out, that means there's no show. And if there's no show, then all those people who wanted to hear the music will be sad. And if all those people are sad, they might not go to work tomorrow! And if they don't go to work tomorrow, the economy will collapse! And if the economy collapses, the country... will be... DOOMED! DOOMED, I tell you! This is terrible!
Elmo: Easy! Easy! Easy! Easy! Easy. Easy, Telly. It's just a T.V. show.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Philippine National Flag

The National Flag.
Built with courage.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Viking of the Clouds

The Circus packed off,
the clowns went away,
so as the jugglers.
Happiness already faded,
yet memories may last forever.

But the viking was left,
praised by the clouds,
and lived by the sun.
Her journey continues.
Waking up with sunrise,
and folding with sunset.

Her beauty will glow
even without the circus.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fun Lunch

Have a happy lunch time!

The producers - those who bring food enough for a crowd.
The hoarders - those who are selfish!
The parasites - those who get full even if they're not packing.
The mutuals - those who give and take.
The Rice Cooker - those who bring enough rice for a crowd - only rice.

and the Excursionistas - those who use our classroom. The reason why we're having lunch on the floor.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

UNO momento

Someone's addicted to UNO.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Under my Umbrella

June 21, 2009
Rain is not yet finished

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Empty Side of the Street

We'll never meet on the same road again...

Monday, June 15, 2009

No More Rain :)

Imagine when clouds are pure,
the sun is bright,
and the breeze is calm.

When heaven becomes too bright,
the earth becomes black and white,
imaginations are fulfilled yet real life is incomplete.

We can't be too honorable,
we can't be too happy.

Spirits are lifted,
but reality stays the same.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Addicted to Farm Town

"hire me! Hire the cutest! hire the fastest!" truly the cutest farmer in farm town, Manong Iyan of Bukiring Bukbukin harvested tons of coffees and sunflowers yesterday. Reaching high level 14 yet slows down compared to neighbors miel and me_ako.
Now having 165k of coins and planning to upgrade his lot - manong iyan loves farming :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'll Cut Your Fats

June 12, 2009, Friday
"I' cut your fats off!"
Kelly(left) together with my sister Coleen(right) loves to play DEADLY games...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rainy High School

June 10, 2009

It's raining more than ever here at High School.

Raindrops are like tear drops,
pouring from heaven like God's all gentle

It's all liquid,
made me feel stupid.

She walked by the rain trying to hide her tears,
pretending and hiding that's her game,
love made her life dreadful,
a gift from her boy now left she's unknown...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Jump Ahead Picture

Most Popular uploaded picture,
This is aone year old photo of my family's summer outing...
Edited using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and was used as my friendster lay-out..
Jump Ahead became my first blog's blogger name...

Daily Still

This is Daily Still!
My newest blog that will feature new photos every day.
Stolen, creative, art, name it - i'll feature it!

I love taking pictures of all sorts, uploading them and sometimes even blogging them (gianonline:JumpAhead)

I use my LG Cookie's 3.2 mega-pixell camera and Sony DSC for daily shooting.

A picture tells stories, shows events, lights love and makes passion.

DailyStill - your daily source of still passion :)

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